
Summer Extravaganza at the Barrington Theatre

Wessex Chorus choir singing on the Barrington Theatre stage with rainbow coloured lighting.

What a great night! We sold out and had 200 people sitting Cabaret style for their full theatre experience. We raised some £1300 in just one night with a further £500 for choir funds from our amazing raffle; what super prizes, and so many.


The choir really excelled themselves; they sung with such verve and vigour making the night something special to remember for us and the audience. We travelled through the ages with rhythm and song. From Africa to New York and beyond.


What a great time we had giving such joy to those who came to see us perform.


Wessex Community Chorus

Email: media@wessexchorus.org.uk


Postal Address:

Wessex Chorus,

c/o Accountancy.coop Ltd

Unit 2a, The Courtyard Craft Centre

Huntick Road,

Lytchett Minster, Poole


BH16 6BA


Phone: 01202 912870


Rehearsal times:

Thursday evenings from 7.00 to 8.30.

Doors open at 6.45


All welcome, no audition necessary.


Rehearsal Hall:

Immanuel URC Church

120 Southbourne Rd

Southbourne, Bournemouth, BH6 3QJ

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